Hermes SDK Documentation
Classes | |
struct | AdvertisingHapticsModules |
struct | AssignRoleToTrackerArgs |
struct | AssignSetToRoleArgs |
struct | AssignTrackerToSetArgs |
struct | Color |
struct | Devices |
struct | Diagnostics |
struct | Filter |
struct | FilterInventory |
struct | Finger |
struct | Glove |
struct | GloveInfo |
struct | GloveRaw |
struct | HapticsModuleAdvertisement |
struct | HiveNode |
struct | Mat44 |
struct | MeshConfig |
struct | MeshNodeConfig |
struct | Orientation |
struct | Parameter |
struct | ParameterSet |
struct | Phalange |
struct | Pipeline |
struct | PipelineCommitArgs |
struct | Player |
struct | PlayerCollection |
struct | PlayerHandArgs |
struct | PlayerProfileArgs |
struct | PlayerTrackerSetArgs |
struct | Quat |
struct | RawFinger |
struct | ServiceRoute |
struct | Session |
struct | SessionArguments |
struct | SessionSet |
struct | Tracker |
struct | TrackerData |
struct | TrackerList |
struct | TrackingSystemInfo |
struct | TrackingSystemMessage |
struct | Translation |
struct | UpgradeNotification |
struct | Vec3 |
struct | Version |
struct | Void |
struct | WrappedDevices |
Enumerations | |
enum | UpdateMode { CheckOnly, StartUpdater } |
enum | FingerType { UnknownFinger, Regular, Thumb } |
enum | HandType { UnknownChirality, Left, Right } |
enum | GloveVersion { UnknownVersion, PrimeOne, PrimeTwo } |
enum | coor_axis_t { CoorAxisZneg, CoorAxisYneg, CoorAxisXneg, CoorAxisXpos, CoorAxisYpos, CoorAxisZpos } |
enum | TrackerType { Unknown, Head, Waist, LeftHand, RightHand, LeftFoot, RightFoot, LeftUpperArm, RightUpperArm, LeftUpperLeg, RightUpperLeg, Controller, Camera } |
Variables | |
import protodefinitions ParameterSet | proto |
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
Specifies how the 3d mesh model is setup at the client side (Unity/Unreal/etc) for the BasisConversionFilter. ExternalMeshNodeConfig defines the coordinate frame in a node/bone of the mesh. We assume that hand mesh bones are oriented in such a way that one axis points towards the tips of the fingers, one axis points out of the hand perpendicular to the palmar plane or the plane in which the finger nails would lie (in case of the thumb), and one axis perpendicular to the other two, usually designating the axis of rotation of the finger joints. For the world frame, forward = from viewer, right = right of viewer Some engines flip a coordinate frame axis to convert a right-handed coordinate frame to a left-handed coordinate frame This negation axis should also be specified for your application The bone that you try to describe has its x-Axis pointing towards the finger tip, its y-Axis pointing towards the palm and rotates around the z-Axis, which points left. In this case, upDirection = CoorAxisY_NEG (the negation of the y-Axis points to the back of the hand), forwardDirection = CoorAxisX_POS, and rightDirection = CoorAxisZ_NEG (the negation of the z-Axis points right according to the above definition)
Enumerator | |
CoorAxisZneg | proto forces enums to begin at 0 |
Shared mode for firmware & application updates.
import protodefinitions ParameterSet Hermes::Protocol::proto |
import "protodefinitions/Common.proto";